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Cooley Anastomosis Clamps

• Pilling® Vascular Clamps
• Pediatric Clamps, Cooley-Type Jaw

Jaws are calibrated on the anterior surface from center point outward. This miniature vascular clamp is designed for partial occlusion of a major vessel (aorta, inferior vena cava, carotid artery, etc.) where total occlusion may be undesirable. Calibrations at 5.0 mm intervals on the jaws are useful in aortico-pulmonary anasstomosis in infants and children with tricuspid atresia or Tetralogy of Fallot. Lightweight calibrated jaws 3/4" (2.0 cm) with Cooley serration.

Ref: MC-008133

Product review summary

Representative image. Actual product may vary.

Ordering Information
Overall Length.
Overall Length
Jaw Dimensions (W x L).
Jaw Dimensions (W x L)
354845 7 1/8" (18.0 cm) DeBakey® Jaw, Calibrated, Cooley Serration 1.5 mm x 20.0 mm 1.5 mm extra-fine DeBakey®-type Jaws, spring handle, 1 x 7 ratchets EA
354125 7 1/8" (18.0 cm) Cooley Serration 2.8 mm x 20.0 mm Spring handle, 1 x 7 ratchets EA
Please see the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of the indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions.